Mazel Tov
on the birth of your baby boy!

The Ontario Liberal-minded Association of Mohalim (OLAM) is a group of physicians, most of whose members are trained and certified by the Berit Milah Board of Reform Judaism. The Mohalim practice independently, in collaboration with the Reform, Reconstructionist and some of the Conservative Rabbis of Ontario.

Most of the physicians of OLAM are members of the National Organization of American Mohalim (NOAM).

The Services offered by our members are:

Brit Milah “Bris” – Ritual circumcision

The ceremony in which a newborn Jewish baby boy is brought into the covenant (brit) through the ritual of circumcision (milah) on the eighth day of life

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Milah L’Shem Gerut – Circumcision for the purpose of conversion

In cases of intermarriage where the mother is not Jewish. This ceremony represents the first step toward formal conversion of the baby to Judaism

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Hatafat Dam Berit – Ritual procedure for the purpose of converting a previously circumcised male

This ceremony is for boys or men who have already been circumcised and the process of conversion to Judaism

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Why should I ask a member of OLAM to perform a bris on my child?

  • We are all practicing medical doctors, with extensive training and experience in performing newborn circumcision. As we are all physicians, we routinely use local anesthesia to minimize discomfort to the baby.
  • We are inclusive of all Jews. We are committed to working within the wide range of contemporary family situations to create meaningful and sensitive rituals, including authentic conversion ceremonies if indicated.
  • We welcome inquiries from Jewish parents with a synagogue affiliation, as well as those who are not affiliated with any congregation.
  • Each Brit Milah ceremony is individually designed with input from the parents, prior to the day of the procedure. Unless it is necessary to delay for medical reasons, the Brit Milah is performed on the 8th day of life.
  • Parents and members of the extended family are encouraged to participate in the ceremony. Men and women are active participants in this fully egalitarian ritual.
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