Dr. Rochelle Schwartz
Dr. Rochelle Schwartz has been a Family Physician practicing in Thornhill, Ontario for the past 35 years. Her practice focuses on Preventative Medicine and Patient Advocacy.
She was certified by the Hebrew Union College Berit Milah Board in 1997. Becoming a Mohelet has combined her medical and surgical expertise with her love of Jewish religious spirituality.
Dr. Schwartz has been performing both Jewish Ritual and non-ritual circumcisions in her community for the past 3 decades. She has travelled across Canada and the world performing Brises in Toronto and the GTA, all parts of Ontario, the Maritimes and the Prairies. In 2007, she became the first female Mohel to perform a Bris in Israel. Recently, she was invited to perform a Bris for medical colleagues in Yellowknife, Northwest Territories.
Dr. Schwartz attends services at Temple Emmanuel and is very active in the Jewish community. She and her family are passionate about raising funds and awareness in the field of ground-breaking cancer treatment options, both in Canada and Israel.
Contact Infomation
Email: rsmohelet@gmail.com
Tel: 905-760-1415 / 416-457-9033
Geographic Areas: Toronto, Mississauga, Oakville to Hamilton, Thornhill to Barrie, Scarborough to Oshawa