Dr. Daniel Glatt
Dr. Daniel Glatt is a Family Physician and Hospitalist in Napanee, Ontario, a rural community 40 km away from Kingston.
He is a member of Beth Israel Congregation, a Conservative synagogue in Kingston.
He is proud to be able to improve access to this important life cycle event to Jews living in Southeastern, Ontario. Previously families would need to either travel to Ottawa or Toronto for bris milah or arrange for a mohel to travel to our community.
Daniel lives in Kingston, ON with his spouse Adira Winegust and their two sons.
Further information can be found at https://napaneefamilyphysicians.ca/circumcision-clinic.
Contact Infomation
Email: napaneecircumcision@gmail.com
Tel: 613-354-8245
Website: https://napaneefamilyphysicians.ca/circumcision-clinic
Geographic Areas: Kingston, Napanee, Belleville, Brockville, Can at times travel to other areas in Southeastern Ontario and Ottawa